Entry #4: Joy


Joy lives in your heart. Your connection with your heart opens up a flow of joy to all parts of you.

Joy is yours: it belongs to you; you created it and you can always access itallow it. It is not an outcome dependent emotion and experience. It is a moment of allowing yourself to let go of your worries and attachments to ‘truths’ as concluded by your thinking brainread the reptilian brain with a single function to keep you ‘safe’, therefore saying no to the joy that wants to express through you through moments of inspiration, curiosity, openness, excitement and play.

Your heart will always tell you the truth and it will lead you to where you want to go whether the destination is known or ‘unknown’ to you (if you’ve hidden it deep within yourself).

Your heart shows you the pathway to the grandest, boldest, most authentic, joyous and abundant version of yourself. By following your curiosity, excitement, passion and joy, you’re following the path to becoming the you in your visions. If you didn’t have what it takes to bring your visions to fruition, they wouldn’t come to you.

So what is your truest, most authentic expression? Is it joy or perhaps childlike play and creativity? Or are you a way shower for creating an adventurous life by being open, curious and daring to follow your heart? Those that do, know with every part of their being that joy is the road to embodying their most authentic expression which culminates in their unique message.

What is your unique message?

Your life is your message. Your message shines through your heart.


Entry #5: 10 wisdom notes from a lifetime of exploring who I am not & who I came here to be


Entry #3: Temple