Entry #6: Transformation as life’s ultimate adventure


Transformation as life’s ultimate adventure has been my path since 2012. At its core was an unshakeable belief that this was my path to the life I have envisioned.

Adventures energize me and call for an expression to be bigger and bolder—to dare and to create what hasn’t been created before.

Adventures are fun. The ability to be present throughout it equals transformation, and all transformation equals expansion. Expansion is the place where new possibilities exist.

Adventure is an approach to living—it’s showing up to daily opportunities for growth that show up as challenges and/or anything we label as ‘undesired’. It’s also how your boldest life vision is created.

Adventure will take you where your soul is asking you to go, and in return, you’ll feel more joy and aliveness as your new reality is taking the form of your soul’s calling.

Your adventures are your soul’s gifts.


Entry #5: 10 wisdom notes from a lifetime of exploring who I am not & who I came here to be