Entry #1: Trust
Trust is everything.
The flow of your life is always bringing you back to trusting its benevolence and your inner knowing—both of which serve your ‘arrival’ (aka awakening to deep universal truths, your truth and coming into full empowerment where you share your grandest gifts, skills and talents and life richly rewards you for it).
Trust is the most precious commodity whether it’s trusting oneself or the other (or having the discernment to know who is not trustworthy).
Trust = piece of mind
Piece of mind = relaxing into and being fully present for there is nowhere to be but here and now
Being present = being intentional about what is being created for every moment is pre sent
Being intentional = consciously creating life (life = series of now moments) from a place of awareness
Consciously creating life = creation from free will choice vs replicating how mum and dad (or your caretakers) did life